MIT license

This is an ongoing project of that sets up a particular configuration for improved productivity.

The goal is to develop a good configuration for the Vim editor, tailored for Python development.

It does not change the behaviour of VIM, since this configuration only adds comfortable shortcuts, and settings that are recommended for software development (coding good practices).




Copy and paste the following command in your terminal:

mkdir -p ~/.vim && wget -O ~/.vim/Makefile -N && make -C ~/.vim install


Use the included Makefile script which downloads and replaces the files on their latest versions. Bear in mind that requires wget and Makefile which comes installed in most of the distributions.

make install

Or, if you want to install a particular version (tag or branch).

make install BRANCH=<tag_or_branch>

Note: this is supported from version >=v0.4.

The previous methods rely on getting the files from the Internet, but alternatively, if you have already downloaded the project, and unpacked it somewhere in your file system, you can install it by running:

make deploy

That will copy the files to their respective locations. Note that this will replace any previous instances of those file you might have had there. If you want to start over, you could simply run make clean, which will remove the files for this project (not the extra packages, though).

Colour scheme

The colour scheme requires the terminal to support 256 colours. Most of the terminals already support this, but some terminal multiplexers like tmux might require to be run as: tmux -2 in order to support this.

In addition, just the command-line classic Vim version is supported, so no support for Gvim or graphical versions is included for the colour scheme, although pull requests are welcomed.


Here are some examples of how the colour scheme looks like.

Vim capture 1

Please note this might depend on the configuration of your terminal as well.

Vim capture 2


If you want to try the project, and tweak the settings, I would recommend you to clone the repository, and use the development deployment, which creates symlinks of the files in this project, like:

make dev-deploy

In addition, take a moment to read the contributing guidelines.



External plug-ins

I prefer to keep the .vimrc configuration as simple as possible, so this project is a collection of settings, configurations, and helpers. That maintains the Vim installation as general as possible.

However, on a daily basis, we might want some extra, few plug-ins.

These are flake8, fugitive vim, and NERDTree.

Please note: The installation of the extra dependencies requires Vim 8.0 or newer, since it install the external projects as packages.

They can be installed with:

make extras
